Friday, February 19, 2010

Ooooh, catching up. Drove down to Moab this past weekend for my 11 year wedding anniversary and Tara's 32nd birthday. The Red Hot 50k was going down as well, and our friend Scooter was running the 33k. We ran the course backward to meet up with her and the trail conditions were horrendous. No really. The right foot in slush or postholing a foot of snow and the left in 6 inches of mud. Scooter finished strong and we ended up doing around 15 miles all told. The next day we tried to run the slickrock trail but it was so snow covered and so icy that we turned back after a slow hour. Next time. Of course, I ate like garbage (vacation right?) and tracked nothing. I'm back in the gym and back on Fitday tomorrow, even though my eating has been clean since we got back.

2 rounds
3000 meter row
15 clean and jerks @135#

10 minute sandbag get up warm up @40#

(1) Work up to 1RM overhead squat
95#, 135#, 205# fail, 205#PR

(2) 3 rounds not for time
2 overhead squats @175#
20 overhead lunges @45# plate
100 yard sandbag carry @80# ( 10x 33ft shuttles)

(3) 3 rounds for time
15 power snatches @95#
20 KB swings @53#
400 meter run

4 mile ruck w/ 55# pack
(1 hour 13 minutes)
Trail has pretty technical footing with lots of rocks and tracks. Moderate elevation gain. This will be a new benchmark workout for me, since it starts and ends at my garage. I weighted the pack with a 36# rock, packing material and a basketball full of 20# of sand. It is the essence of comfort.

I think I have my year figured out, athletically at least. I've been doing a bunch of reading on nutrition and programming for my goals and I feel like I'm getting close to a reasonably well thought out training plan. Crossfit has been a gift and a curse for me. I have, for my whole life, been incredibly indecisive when it comes to what I want to do. As an athlete I have wavered and avoided committing to seriously training to do well in a specific arena. I've only trained to finish, to participate. Crossfit, with it's continuous focus on general physical preparedness, had fed my indecisiveness. GPP is very important, but it's time to get busy training what I want to do. I want to move fast and strong in the mountains.

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