Monday, September 7, 2009

Crossfit Total

Well, I didn't break 800, but I did improve my back squat and my deadlift. I'll take it. If you are not familiar with the Crossfit Total, here's the what's what. You have 3 attempts on the back squat, press and deadlift to reach a one rep max. You then take the heaviest lift in pounds for each and add it up. The sum is your total. Simple, and a decent measure of raw strength.

Back squat 3 sets of 1
255#, 265#, 275#PR
Press 3 sets of 1
155# fail, 150# old PR
Deadlift 3 sets of 1
340#, 350#, 355#PR

CFT 780

Later, feeling disappointed in my deadlift I did the following.
3 sets of 3 @275#
1 set of 5 @275#

3 rounds for time of
400 meter run
10 burpee pull-ups
20 walking lunges

Just after one day of tightening up my diet, I feel so much better. However, today clearly had too much volume. I just get so excited when I feel this good.

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