Friday, September 25, 2009

Mountain Athlete

Time to play catch up. Since I finished the strength bias program I have been busy. I put in plenty of work, but I trained in a casual fashion and avoided the timer for the most part. This week I started a 4 week work capacity cycle from the Mountain Athlete site. If you are not familiar with these guys, then you should check them out. I'm going through this with a great group. I'm training in the morning with Lunch Box and Gumby, and coaching my amazing wife and a kid named Ryan who just started at our gym in the afternoon. Strong group. We'll be training at the gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday will be spent doing what we like to do, which will be running for me and Tara. On Saturday we will spend a long day in the mountains. This suits me well. I may be on to a new phase in my own training.

Thursday- 50 minute trail run.
Part one of Friday's workout took 30 minutes 34 seconds.

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