Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday Mountain Athlete session

Click HERE
For some horrible reason, Lunch Box started a timer for part one. It took me 30 minutes and 39 seconds. Today was 30 degrees colder than yesterday, and at 6 a.m it was pouring rain. Good times.
Here's my training partners, Gumby and Lunch Box.

Monday, September 28, 2009


More Mountain Athlete goodness. One week down and I feel really good. Yesterday's run was a very positive sign that I'm on the right track. I think without a running clock I'm letting myself move too slow, so I will try to move at a faster pace starting Wednesday.
Monday workout-Click


Tara and I went up to the Dog Lake and Desolation Lake area. Hike/Run for 3 hours and 50 minutes. Fall colors are in full effect and it was gorgeous. It's so refreshing to get out of the gym.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Mountain Athlete

Time to play catch up. Since I finished the strength bias program I have been busy. I put in plenty of work, but I trained in a casual fashion and avoided the timer for the most part. This week I started a 4 week work capacity cycle from the Mountain Athlete site. If you are not familiar with these guys, then you should check them out. I'm going through this with a great group. I'm training in the morning with Lunch Box and Gumby, and coaching my amazing wife and a kid named Ryan who just started at our gym in the afternoon. Strong group. We'll be training at the gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday will be spent doing what we like to do, which will be running for me and Tara. On Saturday we will spend a long day in the mountains. This suits me well. I may be on to a new phase in my own training.

Thursday- 50 minute trail run.
Part one of Friday's workout took 30 minutes 34 seconds.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Crossfit Total

Well, I didn't break 800, but I did improve my back squat and my deadlift. I'll take it. If you are not familiar with the Crossfit Total, here's the what's what. You have 3 attempts on the back squat, press and deadlift to reach a one rep max. You then take the heaviest lift in pounds for each and add it up. The sum is your total. Simple, and a decent measure of raw strength.

Back squat 3 sets of 1
255#, 265#, 275#PR
Press 3 sets of 1
155# fail, 150# old PR
Deadlift 3 sets of 1
340#, 350#, 355#PR

CFT 780

Later, feeling disappointed in my deadlift I did the following.
3 sets of 3 @275#
1 set of 5 @275#

3 rounds for time of
400 meter run
10 burpee pull-ups
20 walking lunges

Just after one day of tightening up my diet, I feel so much better. However, today clearly had too much volume. I just get so excited when I feel this good.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Catching up. Get your ass out of the gym once in while.

The strength bias program absolutely wasted me. I stopped on week 5 and have been just working out when I feel like it since. Tomorrow is the Crossfit Total, and I'm excited to see some improvement. I did run a 5k the other day and set a PR at 21:10. However, I did Elizabeth and it took me over 15 minutes, so I'll say I'm showing mixed results so far. The extra weight I put on doing all this lifting and eating if a definite factor, so it's time to clean it up. I'll be starting the Mountain Athlete program with Gumby at the end of September. I'm pretty excited to actually get out of the gym to train. I love Crossfit, but I don't really give a shit about my gym performance if I can't perform outside. Fitness is NOT my sport, but Crossfit has been the best for me in the past because of the vast difference in physical abilities needed for my favorite activities; fighting and running. I guess this explains my disinterest in the Crossfit Games.