Monday, December 20, 2010

DECEMBER 13th - 19th

Front squat
(195lbs, 195, 195, 265fail, 265fail)
2x20 pistols to 18" box
2x10 overhead lunge @95lbs
2x15 GHD sit ups
2x10 ab wheel rollout to wall
200 meter burpee broad jump
As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of
5 deadlifts @225lbs
8 burpees
(5 1/2)
Rest 1 minute
As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of
5 hang power snatches @75lbs
8 sit throughs
Rest 1 minute
As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of
5 thrusters @75lbs
8 pull ups
Mobility work 30 minutes
20 minute run @easy pace
10-1 ladder
Ab wheel rollouts to wall
Ring push ups
Strict pull ups
Thai pad drills 30 minutes
Grappling 1 hour 30 minutes

The first 3 weeks of this program is complete, and I am pleased with my progress. I PR'd my front squat the first two weeks and my work capacity is feeling strong. I've had to improvise a bit due to the mystery shoulder injury, but I'm okay with that. There's always something else to be worked on. The amount of pain and crunching in my shoulder is enough to convince me to lay off upper body pressing for at least the next 4 weeks. I've also realized, that if you are serious about training, there really are no true rest days, only recovery days. Days of total inactivity leave me feeling worse than before. I'll be following like a religion from here on out. Even the hobby level of involvement in grappling that I am operating at will require a lot more flexibility and mobility than I currently have.
The next three week cycle will be a switch to deadlifts from front sqauts. Due to the longer amount of time needed to recover from max effort deadlifts, I'll do this a little different. Week one will be a max effort day, week two will be a maximum dynamic effort like snatches or cleans and week three will be another max effort deadlift day. The upper body max effort day will be pull ups as long as the shoulder tolerates it.

Here's a great article from Brian MacKenzie on over hyped, Crossfit supplement faddism.


  1. Interesting article. Although the idea of talking about which protein power is "less" processed seems a little ridiculous. All I'm saying is you can't complain about how over-processed skim milk is in the same sentence as talking about how natural your fat-free dried milk/whey powder is.

  2. But no one in the fitness industry can make money from skim milk...or can they?
