Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Discomfort. A bunch of it, builds character.

"Angry Brittany"
10 rounds for time
400 meter run
10 Curtis P's @115#

1 Curtis P =
1 Squat clean
1 Lunge left
1 Lunge right
1 Push press

I can honestly say that this is one of the toughest workout I've ever done in a gym, and having a couple of tough ass training partners helped. I wish I had a recording of some of my self talk during this beast. Mike designed it and so he got to name it. I took a contrast shower to speed recovery and it was unpleasant to say the least. A couple minutes of really hot water, and then a couple minutes of full blast cold. 4 rounds. And now, Pork chops and sweet potatoes. Mmmmm.


  1. That looks hard. I don't know that I could finish it.

  2. I'm probably going to regret saying this, but Rich how about Sunday morning? I'll probably row it, though..

  3. I told Brittany I named this workout after her. She said, "Why because it was a bitch?."

  4. Just tried it with rowing, without the jerk. Had to scale from 75# to 65# after the second round when my curtis p's were already 1 rep, rest, 1 rep. 1:10:50. Um, ouch.

  5. Nice! I still don't feel right. I'm never inviting Curtis to the gym again.

  6. Heh-When I woke up, I didn't feel too bad. Then I had to pick something up off the ground. Now everything hurts and I seem to be getting progressively more sore as the day wears on.....I shudder to think what tomorrow might feel like.
