Monday, August 10, 2009

Mark Rippetoe is the Dr. Phil of strength training.

Wow, what a weekend. I spent more time at the gym this weekend than I do in an average week. It was a very informative weekend spent learning barbell movements from the real deal, Mark Rippetoe. This guy and his staff know their power lifts, and presented them in a way that anyone could get. It will almost totally change the way I teach the squat, deadlift and press. His cues and set up are concise and to the point, and I often find myself talking too much when trying to teach. I expect my coaching and my own lifts to improve dramatically. I wish I could learn from people like him every weekend. I'm really looking forward to the Crossfit nutrition cert in October. It's a one day lesson from Robb Wolf on the theory and practice of zone and paleo nutrition principles. I know from reading his site that it will be pretty technical, but I think I can handle it. Plus, I'm really excited for the practical application portion.
On the training front, the weekend was long, but we did get quite a bit of training in. So here it is.

Back squat
2 sets of 5 @45#
5 sets of 5 @
95#/ 135#/ 155#/ 185#/185#
I could have gone up more, but the last set was being watched and critiqued by everyone in the room, and I didn't want to make an ass of myself. This goes for the rest of the weekend as well.

2 sets of 5 @45#
5 sets of 5 @
65#/ 75#/ 85#/ 95#/ 115#

Bench press
1 set of 5 @45#
5 sets of 5 @
95#/ 135#/ 185#/ 195# fail/ 195# fail

2 sets of 5 @95#
5 sets of 5 @
185#/ 205#/ 225#/ 245#/ 255#

Power clean
2 sets of 5 @45#
5 sets of 3 @
95#/ 115#/ 135#/ 155#/ 155#

1 set of 20 kipping
2 sets of 10 kipping
3 sets of 5 strict
5 sets of 1 weighted @35# (5 second eccentric)
Pretty tired from the weekend.

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