Friday, July 17, 2009

Speedgoat 50k

The Speedgoat 50k is tomorrow, and the jitters are setting in. Spending the day running over some of the most beautiful mountains in the world is, really, nothing to be nervous about. I'm nervous, excited and already looking forward to the next training goal. All of this is just a continuous experiment, and hopefully I keep learning and refining my training. None of my training has been perfect, but the results continue to improve, if only a little. Next time I know I need to plan out a longer time frame in relation to future events. I have relied heavily on general physical preparedness, and really very little on specifics, and while this has given me what I need to finish pretty strong, I want more. Check back over the last couple of months and see how little I have actually run. I've got some plans and ideas for the rest of the year and 2010, and I am ready to step it up.
I will update you all tomorrow after the race. To the mountains!

1 comment:

  1. great job today! it was fun to see you in action. Annie and Tessa
