Thursday, March 4, 2010


Warm up with 10 minutes of sandbag drills
1) 5 sets of 3 handstand push ups. Strict range of motion.
2) 5 sets of 20 second lock offs. A lock off is an isometric hold, usually at the top of the pull-up.
3) 500 lunges for time (21:03)
4) 30 power clean and jerks @155# for time (7:22)
5) Spend 3 cumulative minutes in an L-hold. This quickly fell apart, but I did my best.
6) 50 GHD sit-ups

It's this sort of thing that makes Crossfit look really stupid. I don't even know where to begin. I won't be able to contain the mockery if anyone rolls into my place of work wearing this garbage.

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