Saturday, March 6, 2010

I've been thinking about breath control and it's relationship to athletic performance lately. I'm fairly familiar with meditative breathing exercises, but for some reason I just recently started trying to really connect this conscious control of breath and my own athletic pursuits. I've been encouraged by my recent experiments with breathing ladders, so I've been poking around the interwebs and found a couple of interesting articles. I'd love to know more if any of you have some knowledge here. Check it.

Mouth breathing vs. nose breathing.

Doing sprints while holding your breath. Sounds real uncomfortable.

Syncing footsteps with the breathing cycle.

I was thinking about buying one of these, but then I realized I could just force myself to breathe through my nose during exertion. I'm a sucker for gadgets.

1 comment:

  1. Ever tried reverse breathing? I probably wouldn't use it during exertion, but it's kind of an interesting exercise.
