Saturday, July 18, 2009

Speedgoat 50K

Crossing the finish line. 11 hours and 26 minutes on the trail.

I finished. I have never wanted to quit a race more than I wanted to today. The climbs were BRUTAL! Everything about this race was hard, and it never relented. The course has changed over the years, but this year I believe it has been finalized. I talked to multiple veteran runners, and they said that it was harder than ever. In March, I ran the Sapper Joe 50k in 7:12. Today I was in better shape, and the Speedgoat took 11 hours and 26 minutes. I fell more times than I can count, might have heat exhaustion, and made a costly detour that cost me time and hope. Several times I made real plans to drop out. Once I was too far out to drop, and when I had a real opportunity, Tara gave me the encouragement I needed. It was so great to have Tara there. She hung out on Hidden Peak all day to support me. I was also lucky enough to have the support of Libby, Annie and Baby Tessa. Sue was at the last aid station on Hidden Peak, and she took good care of me and got me moving when I clearly wanted to lay down. Thanks everyone!

The first visit to Hidden Peak.The view.

The climb to the tunnel. Ready to quit.

Me, Libby, Annie and Baby Tessa. It's harder to quit when there are witnesses.

Me and Sue. She threatened me with 50 burpees, and that got me moving.

Me and world class ultrarunning badass, Karl Meltzer.

The main reason I made it to the finish. I only do this stuff to impress her.


  1. Nice man that looked brutal! Good job

  2. FKNA!! Well done, Jason. You're an inspiration.

  3. Way to power through and keep going - that's amazing. Nice work. And if you're not doing anymore races this year, it means you can't try to talk me into doing any....excellent.
